Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Growing like a Flower!

I'm really trying to keep up on my blog, just finding it hard to do so. Thanks Uncle Ron for reminding me!

Ava is now 4 weeks old! I can't believe how time flies! She has changed so much. She isn't quite sleeping through the night yet but at least she's sleeping 2-3 hours at a time and then nursing and going back to sleep. She looks like Kiana but has dark brown eyes and dark hair. She's going to be tall and thin like her mom(LOL)! The kids sure love her. Kekai (3) says "I love her mom." No jealousy noted yet!!!!!

We are enjoying this wonderful addition to our family and consider her such a blessing!

The next big event in her life is her blessing. We'll probably bless her the first Sunday in January and you are all invited! I'll keep you updated!

We hope you are all well and that this Christmas season is a special one for you and yours.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


She's HERE! Ava Anuhea Kanani O' KaMaile was born Nov. 19, 2008 at 10:42 pm. She weighs 8lbs 7oz and is 22 inches long. She looks just like her older sister Kiana but has black hair and dark eyes. The delivery was slow at first, the doctor broke my water at 9am and I was only a 5 at about 4pm. I then wussed out and had Nubain (drug used to take the edge off of the contractions), no epidural, and my contractions pretty much stopped. We then started the Pitocin and I moved along alot faster. The pain was great but I like the recovery much better without the epidural.

We are home now and we are both doing well. Her brothers and sister love her and fight over who gets to hold her. Kekai, who was the baby says he wants to keep her. He is proud to be a "big brother."

We are greatful for the opportunity to bear children. What a blessing this has been in our lives. We are greatful for family, this life would be nothing without family. We are greatful for great friends! Most of all, we are greatful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is through Christ that we are able to have all these blessings! We love each and every one of you hope you are all well. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Family Pic

Here are the most recent family pictures that we've taken. They were taken at my pinning ceremony. Hopefully someday we'll make it to a studio to have "real" pictures taken.

Friday, June 6, 2008

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Kiana wanted me to blog about her so we decided to blog about her pageant experience. Fredonia has a little pageant for the 4th of July and Kiana decided she wanted to participate. She danced "Where I live" for her talent and wore her white muumuu for her formal. She was definitely different from the rest of the girls and stood out. She did an awesome job! Kiana is a beautiful young lady and we are gratetful to have her in our family.

At the Park

Kekoa, Kainoa and Kekai playing on the swings at the tribal park. Crazy Kids!
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Finally Done!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is one of my good friends, Marsha and I after the pinning ceremony!!! We are so glad it's over with!!! The pinning was good, a bit too long and really hot!!!! But we made it!!!
Mary and I bidding farewell to Dixie Regional after our last clinical what a sweet moment that was!!!!!!!!!!!
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Friday, April 25, 2008

Here's a little update on the family! I've pretty busy with work, school ,family, etc and haven't been able to keep up! Sorry!
Kekoa was baptized March 29. It was an awesome experience. I have pictures that I'll upload later.
Anson got into the nursing program here at Mohave Community College! It's about time! We've been waiting for 3 years! So, he'll start in the fall and be done in May of 2010. It's been a long time coming! He's mixed cause he really wanted to move up north but we'll stick it our 2 more years here.
Kelly turns 11 and Kainoa turns 6 on Sunday. How time has flown! Kelly is in the 5th grade, very smart, somewhat lazy, loves to play his DS, but a very good boy. Kainoa is in Kindergarten, smart little guy, he's going to be my smallest, active, active active!!!!!!! Anson turns 32 on Monday! He's been doing the P90X workout program and has lost about 30lbs!!!!
There is a light at the end of the tunnel for me!!! I graduate May 19 and can't wait! I can't believe it's almost over but am sooooooooo glad! All are invited!!!
I'll blog more later, just had a few minutes!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Kekai's golf accident

I've been really, really busy! Last Thursday Kainoa was golfing and got Kekai in the head by the left eye! Boy baby! He had a 2 inch cut, down to the bone, was bleeding everywhere! I was at school so mom called me there and told me they were taking him to the ER. I got there and he had an IV and they were trying to get a CAT scan but he wouldn't lie still. They gave him some Versad(sp) that made him kind of loopy and happy. As he went into the CAT scan, I told him it was going to take a picture of him and to say "cheese." He had the saddest look on his face and tried to say "cheese" between the whimpers. We got the CAT scan done and everything looked ok, except he had a sinus infection-this was the most expensive way to diagnose a sinus infection. They had to sedate him to do the stitches. He ended up with about 10 stitches outside and about 3 or 4 dissolvable stitches. He had a nice shiner!
The kids keep telling me that they are sure Kekai has brain damage because he has been so mean, throwing fits, taking things from them, screaming, etc.
He got his stitches out today. He screamed and kicked and wasn't very happy about it. There is one spot that reopened so we have steri-strips on there now. Poor kid!!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It wasn't me!!

This is Kekai, he's the baby. Anson gave me some chocolates for Valentine's Day and we opened them the other day. As you can see in the next picture, there are several chocolates with one bite taken out of them and then put back. When I asked Kekai who did it, he replied "Kainoa did it, Kainoa did it." Kekai was holding the chocolates and had chocolate all over his mouth! All we could do was laugh! He's such a character! Spoiled rotten but he's worth it!!!!! It's hard to deny those big brown eyes!

When I leave the house for work he always asks me to bring him a treat. He'll call me at work to remind me that he wants "donuts and bug juice." He always makes me laugh!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

School and work!!

I took my first test for the semester yesterday and barely passed it. It was a rude awakening to the lack of knowledge that I possess. Nah, it was just that I don't study as much as I should and it really was the hardest test of nursing school. It focused a lot on ventilators and the settings and ABG's and leadership. IT WAS HARD! Most of the class failed the test and that set the mood for the rest of class, lots of complaining. My class has the biggest whiners of all! You would think we were in Jr. High again or something! It gets on my nerves because we are suppose to be adult learners, but some whine about everything!!!!!! Anyways, I am a very good test taker(or guesser)!!!! I'll move on and study more for my next test, I'm just trying to pass!!!
Nathele and I got to work together today for 4 hours and we had a good time. We aren't "allowed" to work together because we are sisters, go figure. Something called Nepatism? sp?
Tell me what little town doesn't have family working together? It happens all over the hospital but for some reason it's not allowed in the nursing home?? Anyways, we had a good time, smiling, laughing, playing with the residents, tricking them (most couldn't tell us apart)! I told the social worker that the nursing home would be a happier place if her and I could work together more often, he agreed!!!! Nani and I use to work together alot at Sandy Regional and we loved it! NOt the work, just being able to be there together! It's interesting how they pay so much attention to some dumb regulations and forget about the importance of the patients and the care they are getting!!!! Hmmmm, something is wrong with this picture! I'm really trying to stay positive about my job but sometimes I struggle! I have to do a research leadership paper and I was going to write about how one positive person can make a big difference in a negative atmosphere, but I am struggling to be positive!!!!!!!
Any advice, comments? I'll report back later on this whole positive matter!

Friday, February 15, 2008

And they lived happily ever after... Feb.15, 208

This picture was taken in June 2003 at our sealing.
11 years has flown by since we said "I do." Circumstances were awkward but, through joy and struggles, we've made it this far. We both have learned to give and take, to apologize(mostly Anson), to laugh at the little things and communicate. I've learned that husband's can't read our minds, so we need to express our feelings, if we want the dishes done, clothes folded, etc-tell them, somehow we think they were blessed with ESP or something. Good, tactful communication will solve many of our "miscommunication" fights!!!!!! (It took about 10 years to learn this)!! We are not perfect and will continue to make mistakes, but with true love and forgiveness, we can work through difficult times.
In 1995 President Hinckley issued the "Proclamation to the Family." In it, they express our beliefs and the importance of the family. IF we would heed to this proclamation, many of our nations problems would disappear. Here are a few exerts from the proclamation.
"The divine plan of happiness enables family relationships to be perpetuated beyond the grave. Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally.
The first commandment that God gave to Adam and Eve pertained to their potential for parenthood as husband and wife. We declare that God’s commandment for His children to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force. We further declare that God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife.
We declare the means by which mortal life is created to be divinely appointed. We affirm the sanctity of life and of its importance in God’s eternal plan.
Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. “Children are an heritage of the Lord” (Psalms 127:3). Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and serve one another, to observe the commandments of God and to be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations.
The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners. Disability, death, or other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation. Extended families should lend support when needed. "
I love Anson more today than I did 11 years ago. He has done and taught me so many lessons in life. He has wanted so much more for our family than he ever had and has had to work especially hard to achieve it. He has continually tried to better his life, to improve ours. He is my eternal companion and love of my life!!! I am blessed!! I love you Anson!!!!!
We thank all of those who have supported us for these 11 years, especially when times were tough! We hope that we all can learn to appreciate more, complain less, for we are all very blessed!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sweet 16 and 5 children later!!

Kid are so honest!!!! Kawai made me a birthday card and drew this picture of me! She was so cute and Nickie said she was so excited to give it to me!!!! FYI good idea, they made birthday cards out of manila folders, I am going to use them to file things and then give them back to the kids when they are older!!! Thanks!

Another Sweet 16(+15) birthday has come and gone! It was a wonderful day! I was reminiscing of birthdays of the past and how I always have loved my birthday! My very favorite part of my birthday and the thing I miss the most was the call from dad. He would always start out singing "I just called to say I Love You"!!! Of course I thought about that all day and cried, yes cried not surprising!!!!!

One of my favorite moments now is when my children sing "Happy Birthday" to me and end the song with hugs and kisses! What a joy that brings to my day! They truely put everything they have into such a simple song! They do special things like make cards, do their chores, are nice to their brothers and sisters, things that make mom happy! And with the help of their wonderful dad, they make breakfast(mom's favorites) and serve it in bed!!!! I love my husband and children! I can't imagine life without them!!!

Another highlight of the day is the phone calls from my family! It's ok if I didn't get to talk to you, I know you were thinking of me!!!!!!(I'm probably the worst)! Family is one of the most important treasures in my life! I have the most wonderful, caring, kinda weird but mostly normal, fun, loving, ETERNAL family. Thank you for being my family!

I got up early and had to go to class, was late as usual and was glad there weren't any police occifers on the road. Our teacher wasn't in a good mood but I have to admit that we have a bunch of whiners in our class! In between my catnaps, I learned about different respiratory diseases, ventilators, how to be a leader, etc. It's interesting the diversity of people in our class, mostly caucasians, one African American and me, with an age range from 20-55. I don't know where I was going with that.

I actually got to take a nap today! I've forgotten what those were like! My bed didn't want me to get up, but I forced my way out of it!!!!! Kiana and Derena had a basketball game in Kanab and it was fun! They won 22-6. They really are ballers!

Anson stayed home with some of the kids to cook my birthday dinner. We had Stuffed Chicken Parmasean with noodles and homemade marinara sauce, stuffed mushrooms(notice we stuff everything, just can't get enough food), spinach salad, garlic bread, cake and ice cream! It was delicious! Loren, watch out, Anson's the next Iron Chef!!!!! He loves to try new things, watches the Food Network and then makes it! I haven't disliked anything yet!!!!! We went to mom's, Mitch's family,Thele's family and Jen were there. The kids ran wild, grandma tried to keep them occupied by making up games for them to play. We watched American Idol, isn't that girl from Mesa(lives in California) awesome? The night grew late fast and kids were getting on Aunty Jen's nerves, kidding, so we cleaned up and came home. My kitchen was a sight from the wonderful creation Anson stirred up. He said he would clean it in the morning but I thought it was close enough to midnight and my Queen for the day pass had pretty much run out. Kelly helped me with the dishes, Koa swept and it was done in no time.

Now I sit here, it's about 11:49pm, I can barely keep my eyes open, the kids are angels(they are sleeping) and I'm going to end.

What a wonderful day! I truely couldn't ask for anything more! I have a wonderful life and am greatful for every blessing that our Heavenly Father has given me! I need to count them more often and do less complaining!! I have a wonderful life!!!!!!

Monday, February 11, 2008


Here is Anson with the boys at a driving range. Anson has picked up golfing since we've moved here to Moccasin and the kids have learned to love it too. Kekai is the baby on the left, then Anson, Kainoa and Kekoa.
This picture was taken around Easter 2006.
L-R: Maria, Kiana holding Kekai, Kekoa, Kainoa and Derena.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

No pics!

Sorry the pictures didn't upload! I'll try again tomorrow!

In a rush, put wanted to blog!!!

Well, I've read the comments and it's good. I think I'll try to keep up with this. I'm getting ready for work right now and just thought that I'd share my clinical experiences with you. I had clinicals at Dixie Medical Center in St. George. My shift began at 11 am and went to 11 pm on both Friday and Saturday. I was kind of nervous about going into that hospital because it brings back the memories of dad and the day he died and sometimes I still struggle with that. All the way to St. George I was saying to myself "control your emotions, control your emotions" and praying that Heavenly Father would help me to be strong, but you know me, the cry baby that I am. I cried a little and then stopped. I didn't cry when I got there but then feared that I was going to have to do my clinical in the ICU. I was relieved when I found out that I was on 4th west, mostly orthopedic rehab unit.
I realized that I really do love being a nurse. I love patient care and hate the paperwork/computer work! Our nursing program really focuses on the holistic approach to health care, taking care of the whole person, not just the disease. They teach us to think critically, to prioritize, to set goals, to work collaboratively with our team. I've been able to meet and get to know many new people, especially the patients who have stories behind their lives. As nurses, we often complain that we don't have the time to sit and talk to patients, to see what they need from us. This is also true in life. If we could prioritize better and take the time to talk to people, we would be more compassionate and loving.
I don't know if any of my rambling made sense, I'm in a rush. Life is good, tiring but good!!!!!
I love you all! Have a great week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be Happy!!!!

P.S. These picture were taken last year, maybe two years ago, there goes my memory again.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Sorry, I forgot to spell check and reread everything! So, if there are mistakes, I did it on purpose, for those of you who are perfectionist to have somthing to complain about!!!!!!

We're going to give this a shot!!!!!!!!

We've seen Aundrea's and Nani's blogs and thought we'd give it a shot. I'm not guarenteeing that it'll be fabulous or anything, but I'll try!!!!!
We have lots going on right now in our big (9 in all) family. As the children get older, life gets busier and more and more hectic. It's nice to have some down time, like, hmmmmmm, never, wishful thinking.

Anson just got done with a CNA(Certified Nurses Assistant) class in Salt Lake and will take his state test soon. He plans on working at the nursing home in Kanab. He has applied for the nursing program at Mohave, everyone pray really hard that he'll get accepted! He's been playing Mr. Mom for the past few months and has done a very good job at it.

Kelly is 10, turns 11 in April. He is in the 5th grade and is very smart(like his mom, lol)!! He took second in his class spelling bee and went on to the school spelling bee and got out in the 3rd round or so. We are proud of him for his efforts! He also played JR. Jazz this year and is really talented in basketball. He'll be attending some summer camps, we plan on him entering the NBA straight out of high school. He plays the trumpet in beginning band and loves it!! He is in to Naruto, Guitar Hero, and recently has picked up Pokemon trading cards. He's an awesome boy!!!

Kiana is 9, going on 16!!!!! Sometimes I wonder how mom Kalauli did it with 6 girls!!!! She's sassy like her aunties, certainly didn't get that one from me!! She is so smart and loves the 3rd grade. It was somewhat of a shock for her to go from Moccasin to Fredoina Elementary, but she's doing well, has lots of friends and loves it!!! She is playing JR. Jazz right now and has skills(just like her mom, I'm not kidding on this one)! She is an awesome singer and dancer. She danced "Where I Live" in the Little Miss Fredoina pageant and did great! She took 2nd place. SHe's growing up to be a beautiful young lady!!!!!

Kekoa, hmmm, he's got his own way of doing everything, very strong willed! He is 7, turning 8 in March. He is very excited to be baptized this year!!!!!! He is in the 2nd grade here in Moccasin and is very smart. He took 2nd in his class spelling bee, we are very proud of him! He loves to read, do math, and play, play, play!!!!! He is very coordinated and athletic. He is also going to be our billionaire. He saves, saves, saves and won't give up his money for anything! THe other day he wanted some Heelies (sp; you know the shoes with the wheels), and they were $60. I told him that I'd pay half if he'd pay half and he quickly objected. He has a lot more money than $60. He is fun and always a good helper!!!

Kainoa, oh Kainoa. I don't know if I'll outlive this child. He is a rambugeous little 5 year old. He keeps me on my toes and wears my patience thin! He is in kindergarten this year and loves it. He often gets to help his classmates with their work! He is reading and writing well. He is an outdoorsman and would live outside if I would let him. He is my little guy, quite smaller than the other kids at that age!

Kekai is the baby. He's 2 and will turn 3 in June. He was born on his Tutu's birthday, it was a very special day for us. He's spoiled rotten, gets almost anything he wants, gets to hang out with mom most the time, goes to sleep when he wants, you know, typical only child! He loves Thomas the train, Cars, daddy's cement truck, all the things boys love!!! He has the cutest, biggest brown eyes!!! He's mommy's little shadow!!!!

Derena is the oldest of our foster daughter's. She's 9 and in the third grade. She is the best cleaner and always loves to help. She is playing JR. Jazz with Kiana and she is very aggressive and fast! She dances in Pow-Wow's with her grandma and has won several titles as Princess. She has grown so much, both physically and mentally since she has been here with us. She loves to learn about the gospel, it's amazing how receptive she has been. She has taught us many lessons.

Maria is our other foster daughter. She is 8 and very tiny! SHe is in the 2nd grade and loves school! She is laid back and easy going. She loves play, sing and dance. She loves to learn the hula and is always willing to dance!!!!! She has been fun to have in our home!!!!

Then there is Me!!!! I'm a little insane, but I think it has kept me sane!!! I'm currently in the RN(Registered Nurse) program at Mohave Community College. I am in my last semester and can't wait for it to be over. I've been an LPN for about 10 years and thought if I have to work, I might as well get paid the big $$$$ for doing the same job as a RN. It has been tough, I struggle with spending time away from my family but we think it'll be worth it!!!!!! I have clinicals tomorrow, I should be studying but here I sit!!!!!! I work one night a week at the nursing home in Kanab. I am training for the half marathon, thanks to Jo, and it's been hard! I gained a lot of work last semester, school stress and stuff, so I'm trying to work it off! I stay pretty busy, running here and there, trying to keep up with the kids and school and work and church and everything else, but it all works out!!!!! I'm the chorister for Primary and I love this calling! It tries my patience quite often! I have the most awesome assistant and sub, her name is GRANDMA!! She saves my behind!!!!!! She has such an awesome prescence about her and the children love her!!!!!!

Oh, I forgot about Buddy! He's our dog! He thinks he's part human though and gets to sleep inside at night. He's actually been runover a couple of times, so his bones and joints hurt at night. He's a really good dog, very patient with the kids. Besides chasing trucks, I can't complain much about him!

That's our crazy family! We love our family and are greatful for each other! We are blessed to have the opportunity to have an ETERNAL family! I think that is one of the most important lessons that we have learned as we have taken care of our foster daughters! Not everyone has that opportunity!!! We love you all and hope all is well with everyone!!!!!! Until next time, ALOHA!!!!!!!!!!