Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Growing like a Flower!

I'm really trying to keep up on my blog, just finding it hard to do so. Thanks Uncle Ron for reminding me!

Ava is now 4 weeks old! I can't believe how time flies! She has changed so much. She isn't quite sleeping through the night yet but at least she's sleeping 2-3 hours at a time and then nursing and going back to sleep. She looks like Kiana but has dark brown eyes and dark hair. She's going to be tall and thin like her mom(LOL)! The kids sure love her. Kekai (3) says "I love her mom." No jealousy noted yet!!!!!

We are enjoying this wonderful addition to our family and consider her such a blessing!

The next big event in her life is her blessing. We'll probably bless her the first Sunday in January and you are all invited! I'll keep you updated!

We hope you are all well and that this Christmas season is a special one for you and yours.